Thursday, October 3, 2013

Site Critique

Charmone and I both had to critique a not-so-good website for our Digital Design Class.. The site is: Bad Site Yo

Here is what we had to say..
Would like to add that this website was featured in World’s Worst Websites from issue 163.
Aesthetic Properties
It is not cohesive in the least bit.
There are a bunch of icons and animations that have nothing to do with the site itself such as the chicken.
No visual organization except the tabs.
Visual themes are randomness. There are too many visual animations that have nothing to do with leasing or selling cars. The visual aspect with the girl singing on the page is very distracting, I’m not sure if she is singing about the cars or not, but her outfits are poor in choice. This site is loaded with random ads along the sides. When you click on the video at the WAY bottom of the page, you can’t hear the video because the music that is on the page cannot be paused or stopped.
There are no color schemes. There are every color you can think of on this website. There is no cohesiveness.
The “fun stuff” tab isn’t fun.
The “about Ling” tab tells about her, however it’s still random, with her talking about visiting china. Why do we need to know this about her?
There is a bit too much told about her that is repetitive.
Structural Properties
There are TOO many things to click on. It’s got tabs to navigate, which is the only good thing about this website.
You know where you are on the website when you click each tab, but the images and visual elements don’t necessarily tell you, you are there because of all the random elements on each page.
Can click the tabs and things on the side bar to go to different places, however, you are just totally overwhelmed by all the clickable links around on this website, it is easy to get confused.
There are slow loading pages.
unPresented media is present.
Conceptual Properties
He does present pictures of cars, however, it gets lost in everything else that is random on this website.
He is trying to make his website attractive, it looks like he through too many elements at once to make it look attractive to users.
No, because its utterly confusing.
It is not an improvement.
It’s supposed to be for an audience that wants to buy and rent a car.
It is not appropriate for this said audience, because an 8 year old would have a lot of fun on it.
The “about Ling” tab tells about her, however it’s still random, with her talking about visiting china. Why do we need to know this about her?
There is a bit too much told about her that is repetitive.
Also, her wording is very odd sometimes. She tells her customers how she is hotheaded and gets mad very easily and shouts. This doesn’t make me want to buy a vehicle from her.

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