On Wednesday, the 9th of October, we spent a chunk of time going over each other's website concepts in a small group setting.
My site idea, which is a choose-your-own-story site, initially got a bit of a shock reaction based on the fact that the layout was a bit large.
It was so large in fact that the image layout of it that I designed in GLIFFY could not fit in the default image window.
Most of my small group expressed surprise at the thought of me trying to "bite off so much", but nonetheless offered a bit of helpful insight.
One such member suggested I try to include a method that would keep track of where a user was in the story before they closed out of the sight; they wanted me to utilize something like the scene selection feature commonly found on DVDs.
I might try this, but I also thought of a "timeline bar" that would show how close the user was to completing the story...something like this:
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