Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ransom Note Project

Definitely one of the highlights of the first (2) weeks of schools this year, is one of the projects that I had to do for my ART 239 class: The Ransom Note.

As with anything that lets me exercise my "limitless" imagination, I tried to go all-out.
Since I am particularly good at writing creative fiction, I took the route of telling a brief narrative with my note, aiming for a darker and more direct type of demand than the captors in anyone Else's note.

The story tells of a secret cult-like organization known as The Eye, who (since they have recently been under close investigation by perhaps the police or the FBI), have decided to put a stop to their followers by kidnapping the young children of, presumably, either the police chief or an influential person in the FBI.

They demand 2 million dollars in exchange for the kiddies safe return, threatening cannibalism if their message is left unheard.

The Eye goes on to inform (whoever is leading the investigation against their group) that they can literally see all that their opponent plans to do, hinting that their outreach or number of members is a bit larger than what has been anticipated by their pursuers.

An interesting thing to note is the fact that I had my entire note written out including the (2) Typography terms, (TERMINAL and EYE), before I knew that I could use them as the (2) mandatory words from Typography terminology.

Anyways, I like what I did with this given assignment...

Feel free to comment on this. Your feedback is appreciated.

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